How to access our services
So you or a loved one are in need of some support for a mental health condition but aren’t exactly sure where to start? Find more information below about the steps to take to access our services.
If you’ve come to the conclusion that something isn’t quite right, your first step is to speak to your GP.
Your GP will work with you to write a Mental Health Treatment plan and refer you to a mental health specialist like a psychologist, social worker, occupational therapists or psychiatrist. This treatment plan looks at your mental health needs and goals, and outlines treatment options and support services to reach those goals.
When speaking to a healthcare professional, you need to remember to try and be as open and honest about how you are feeling as possible. Ask lots of questions about what support options are available to you and questions about your own feelings. This will help you gain a better understanding of the journey ahead.
If your GP or community based psychiatrist thinks it’s important for you to attend hospital for either an Inpatient or Outpatient service or treatment, they will need to arrange a referral to one of our Pine Rivers Private Hospital accredited Psychiatrists.
Email referral to PineRivers.referrals@healthscope.com.au or Fax to 07 3881 7545.
If you have a referral from your GP or community based psychiatrist for any service or treatment please email it to PineRivers.referrals@healthscope.com.au or Fax to 07 3881 7545.
ALL admissions or bookings (Inpatient/Outpatient)
- Hospital Admissions
- Treatments, Programs & Services or
- Private Practice Psychiatry & Psychology appointments
are dependent upon receiving a current referral and its acceptance by a Pine Rivers Private Hospital Accredited Psychiatrist. No arrangements can be made until this has occurred.
Once your referral has been accepted:
- Inpatient (Extended Stay): Our Admissions Coordinators will contact you once your referral has been accepted and will relay to you, general information about your stay including - Health Fund Details, any out of pocket expenses, what time to arrive and what items to bring with you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the Admissions Team on 07 3881 7291. If we are unable to accept your referral an email will be sent to your doctor or yourself advising that we are unable to assist at this point in time.
- Outpatient (Group Therapy-Day Programs): Upon referral acceptance, our Discharge Coordinator will contact you to book an assessment in order to determine the best clinical pathway and programs for you. If you have further questions the Discharge Coordinator can be contacted on 07 3881 7576.
- Outpatient (Consultation): Once your referral to either a Psychiatrist or Psychologist for a Private Outpatient Consultation has been accepted, you will be contacted by our Consulting Suite Team to discuss appointment times and at this time they can clarify any questions you may have about fees and how payments can be made. If you have any further questions or need to change an appointment, please call 07 3881 7294.